Tuesday, November 25, 2008

He weighs what??!!

Today is Eli's 2 month birthday! He had to go to the doctor and get his immunizations.... let me say this is the quietest day we have had yet! His dad said he was so brave and hardly cried. I couldn't handle going so Manny was in charge!
Are you ready for this......
Eli weighs 14 lbs and 15 oz and is 24 3/4 inches long. He is in the 95th percentile for both weight and height and 75th percentile for his head!
He is getting so big and fun to be with! He has really started to "talk" to us and give us big smiles...I love his smile :)
I went back to work last week and we did quite well with the transition. Manny was able to stay with him most of the days and they had a great time spending time together. He went to Ms. Camilles yesterday and apparently was a very good boy! I was very relieved... those who know Eli know why I would be worried (aunt lola you know how eil can be). We are so blessed for manny to be able to stay home a lot and to have Camille to watch him as well. It makes going back to work a breeze. I feel so good knowing he is in such good hands.
We hope everyone has a Happy Thanksgiving!!!
Manny, Lesli and "Lil" Eli :)




Monday, November 17, 2008

Fun At Home

Our little boy is growing so fast! Eli is 7 weeks old already! Eli is SLOWLY growing out of his fussiness.... I am just keeping my fingers crossed at three months he will be a sweet and calm baby (all prayers are welcome!) On Sunday he had his first professional pictures he he slept the whole time! I figured everyone needs a sleeping newborn picture.
Not much has been going on around here and we are just loving every minute together. Sadly I will be going back to work this week :( So, I Just wanted to share a few pictures of us hanging around the house.

Discovering his hands!

Chatting with his daddy!

What are those things up there?

Playing on his mat