Sunday, January 11, 2009

Three Month birthday and Xmas...continued!

I finally found the USB cord so here are the pictures of Eli's first christmas at my parents house. I forgot his 3 month b-day sign so you will just have to pretend it is in the picture! I will be better prepared for his 4 month b-day.

Eli and his Grandpa had a great time together! Eli has been drooling like crazy... we are assuming a tooth is coming soon.

Eli instantly fell in love with his rainforest soother that Grandma and Grandpa got him for x-mas. He loves the lights and music!

He slept for 12 hours in his crib after his LONG car ride home from Tennessee! This is the face of a well rested boy :)

Look what Eli finally learned to do! Come to find out this is the secret to him sleeping all night. Since we got back from x-mas at G'mas and G'pas he has slept all night in his crib... thanks to the thumb!! It has been a blessing since he has never liked a pacifier. I didn't think he would ever find his thumb but I am so glad he did. Right now it is only a bedtime thing so I am alright with it. I was a thumb sucker so I have no room to judge :)

The Saturday after New Years it was over 80 degrees! We met Samantha and Alexis at the park for a nice walk... he still can't lift his head up! This was the best we could get!

Showing Samantha his new thumb trick!

We are really trying to help Eli strengthen those neck muscles so he can hold that big old head up we try to do tummy time as much as he will let us..... he doesn't like it!

Sunday, January 4, 2009

First Christmas and Three Month Birthday

Eli's First Christmas and 3 month B-day

We had a great first christmas with Eli in Tennessee! I have included his professional pictures that we had done when we were there. The other pictures will be coming soon! (We have stowed the cord away in the attic by accident while unpacking!) Eli turned 3 months old on Christmas Day! He is continuing to get bigger and bigger. He is really becoming a very sweet baby. He loves to be held by mama but loves to laugh at his Dad. They have a great time together. But, Eli made a new friend.... his Grandpa! They had a wonderful time together in TN. He loved every minute of his grandma and grandpas attention and cannot wait to go back... or even move there. Before going to TN eli was sleeping in is pack and play in our room and waking up once a night to eat but ever since we got back from TN he was put in his crib and beginning with new years eve night he slept through the night! We thought maybe it was just a fluke b/c he had a rough day in the 10 h0ur car ride... but the next night he slept for 12 hours and the same for last night. In fact he has been napping all day today as well! Not sure if it is the quietness of his own room or if he is in the middle of a growth spurt! God help us : ) We are thrilled that the afternoon nap has returned but wish he would have slept this well during our visit! Eli is a much happier boy when he naps. Our best guess is that he may be getting a tooth or two.. we will let you know! He is sleeping a lot, drooling like crazy and has his moments of crankiness so we will see what comes about.
Santa brought Manny and I a video camera for x-mas so we will be sure to post videos of his precious giggle and smile. We just love every minute with our little angel and I can't wait to share with everyone!!
Hope all had a wonderful holiday and will enjoy a great new year!
Love the
Funes Family!

We were not prepared for a family picture but when they offered we thought why not! Actually, Manny said why not as I was covered in spit up...why they tried to strategically place Eli in front of it. Well, after seeing them I see why not!! Poor eli- there are some positions that just don't flatter him!!! My poor little chunky monkey!