Sunday, February 1, 2009

4 months old!

I can't believe Eli is four months old already! He is getting so big. We went to the Dr. last week and he is 17lbs 11 oz and 26 3/4 inches long! For Eli, that is not a big weight gain! When I called Manny to tell him he actually said "Eli lost weight!" That is how shocked we were that he wasn't closer to 20 pounds it seemed like he lost weight. He is now holding his head up pretty well, sleeping through the night, talking and laughing and loves to grab whatever he can and put it in his mouth. I thought with all of his drooling and chewing on things he was getting teeth. The dr. checked and so far not teeth! As you will see in his b-day pictures he couldn't help but grab his sign and try to eat it. All I could think about was all of the potential paper cuts! We are definitely enjoying how fun he is at the age...I just wish it would last forever!

The weather was so nice a couple of weeks ago we were able to go for a walk almost everyday. Eli just loves to sit in his stroller and hold onto his bib rag and his Harry Elephante... thanks Leslie and Griffin!

Eli has been working on holding his head up! Here he is just hanging out in his bumbo seat! He looks like little old man in his chair.
So cute